〰️Now accepting Donations for 2025 Scholarships!

〰️ Denise W. Sharpe STEM Award




Courtney Sherron Solomon 4 year Academic Scholarship


Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference! - Denzel Washington

〰️Now accepting Donations for 2025 Scholarships! 〰️ Denise W. Sharpe STEM Award 〰️ EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO OPENING YOUR POTENTIAL! 〰️ Courtney Sherron Solomon 4 year Academic Scholarship 〰️ Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference! - Denzel Washington

Now accepting Donations for 2025 Scholarships!

Welcome to our

Scholarship Page!

Thank you for your interest in applying to our Academic Scholarship Awards under Courtney Sherron Solomon Scholarship Foundation, Incorporated®, our submittal period officially ended Monday, April 15th.

Our mission is to provide assistance to help you meet your financial needs as you pursue your educational endeavors. These goals are accomplished by securing generous charitable funds to award our Academic Scholarship recipients.

The Foundation is a source of support to future and current undergraduate students, awards are granted without regard to gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability.

We look forward to helping you meet your financial needs for college when we reconvene in spring 2025.

Best Wishes for your continued success!

Albert A. Smith
Scholarship Chairman
Courtney Sherron Solomon Scholarship Foundation, Incorporated®

Courtney Sherron Solomon

4 year Academic Scholarship Award

Our foundations goal is to promote lifelong learning while acknowledging distinguished young men and women, our next generation of emerging leaders. The “one time 4 Year Academic Award”, offered by Courtney Sherron Solomon Scholarship Foundation Incorporated® recognizes the exceptional academic achievement of the recipient for four years of their undergraduate study.

This prestigious award is given to students who have consistently demonstrated outstanding performance in their academic pursuits, maintained a high GPA, and shown dedication to their studies.

The recipient of this award receives financial support that can help cover tuition fees, books, and other educational expenses throughout their four years of undergraduate education. This award serves as a testament to the recipient's hard work, commitment, and academic excellence.

Our current recipients award term ends fall 2026. The application will be available again January, 2027 for the fall semester. The recipient will be eligible for this award for 4 consecutive years granted they continuously meet the criteria during this time.

Denise W. Sharpe - STEM Award

In spring 2025, we will offer a STEM application under the Denise W. Sharpe Academic Scholarship Award. This will recognize outstanding students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and dedication to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This esteemed award celebrates the hard work and passion of students who have excelled in their STEM studies.

Denise was employed at one of Metro Detroit’s major hospitals during her career, and through this award, we honor her legacy and commitment to supporting excellence in STEM education.